Here are today’s topics: 1. Breaking News! Why I met with Kellyanne Conway 2. Yuri Gridniev’s First American Logo 3. Seven Places You Won’t Find on Google Maps 4. Headlines Written by Headless Headline Writers STAN: Oh, no! Liar, liar, pants on fire....
Happy New Year to my Readers Everywhere. Here are 10 New Year’s Resolutions I made. For You! Of course, we celebrated Rosh Hashanah, the Jewish New Year, in the traditional way: But what’s a New Year without New Year’s...
Now with 30% more pictures for the Hard of Reading Today’s Blog will cover: 1. It Happened in New York 2. Animals are Taking their Own Selfies! 3. 10 Random Thoughts from Steven Wright 4. Best Idea of the Week 5. Pokémon Go Will Change Your Life 6. Real Magic!...
Today we’re going to cover a lot of ground, so fasten your seat belts. 1. We’ll start off with a description of “The Toughest Job in the World” and see a video of some of the 27 people crazy enough to apply for it. I’m warning you, this...